



时间:2017-05-20 编辑:简简单单 来源:一聚教程网




代码展示://直接复制到html文件即可 支持IE9+版本


 代码如下 复制代码


 Best Fly Car





 The width of the  road:
 Keyboard sensitivity:  
The game  difficulty:



  var wayLeft = [],

   cO = null,

   LC = null,

   RC = null,

   st = null,

   clickLR = false,

   s = null,

   LMD = 5,

   wayWhite = 200,

   ND = 15, //n*2+1;

   NDArry = [0, 1, -1],

   gridStr = 'way-grid-',

   PX = 'px',

   length = 70,

   NDIndex = 30,

   waysetIndex = 10,

   waysetValue = (1024 - wayWhite) / 2,

   delvalue = 0,

   n = 5,

   waitvalue = 10 / n,

   checkOut = function () {

    var index = wayLeft[wayLeft.length - 1].wayLeft,

     CCarvalue = wayLeft[wayLeft.length - 1].CCarvalue + index,

     carIndex = parseInt(document.getElementById('car').offsetLeft) + 10;

    if  (carIndex index &&  (CCarvalue == 0 || !(CCarvalue carIndex))) {

     return true;

    } else {





     var e = new Date();

     alert('totle :' + parseInt((e.getTime() - s.getTime()) / 600) + 's');

     document.onkeydown = null;

     document.onkeyup = null;







   getFitstArray = function () {

    waysetValue = (1 - wayWhite) / 2;

    for (var i = 0; i

     wayLeft[i] = {};

     wayLeft[i].wayLeft = (1024 - wayWhite) / 2;




   setWay=function() {


    for (vari=0; i < length; i++) {



     grid.id=gridStr+ i;








   getNextL=function(firstL) {



    if (waysetIndex > 1) {

     waysetIndex -= 1;

     waysetValue = firstL + delvalue;

    } else if (waitvalue > 0) {



     waysetValue = firstL;

    } else {


     delvalue = NDArry[parseInt(Math.random() * 3)] * parseInt(n / 2 + 1);

     CCarvalue = parseInt(Math.random() * wayWhite);

     waysetIndex = NDIndex;

     waitvalue = 100 / n;

     waysetValue = firstL + delvalue;



    return  waysetValue >= 0 && waysetValue <= (1024 - wayWhite) ? {  wayLeft: waysetValue, CCarvalue: CCarvalue } : { wayLeft: firstL,  CCarvalue: CCarvalue };



   getWayByArry = function () {

    var CCarvalueList = document.getElementsByClassName('C-car');

    while (CCarvalueList[0]) {



    for (var i = 0; i

     vargrid=document.getElementById(gridStr + i);

     grid.style['width'] = wayWhite + PX;

     grid.style['margin-left'] = wayLeft[i].wayLeft + PX;

     if (wayLeft[i].CCarvalue) {


      CCarvalue.id='CCarvalue'+ i;



      CCarvalue.style['left'] = wayLeft[i].CCarvalue + PX;






   lClick=function() {

    if (document.onkeydown) {


     a.style['left'] = (a.offsetLeft - LMD) + PX;




   rClick=function() {

    if (document.onkeydown) {


     a.style['left'] = (a.offsetLeft + LMD) + PX;




   goClick=function() {







    LMD=parseInt(document.getElementById('LMD').value) / 4;


    ND=parseInt(document.getElementById('ND').value) * 1 + 1;





    document.onkeydown=function(evt) {

     varevt=window.event ? window.event : evt;

     if (clickLR) {


     } else if (evt.keyCode == 37) {



      LC=setInterval(lClick, 10);

     } else if (evt.keyCode == 39) {



      RC=setInterval(rClick, 10);



    document.onkeyup=function(evt) {






    document.getElementById('car').style['left'] = 502 + PX;

    st=setInterval(stratBC, 100 / ND);

    cO=setInterval(checkOut, 10);


   stratBC=function() {




   setWayArray=function() {


     nextL = (1024 - wayWhite) / 2;


    for (vari=0; i < wayLeft.length; i++) {


     wayLeft[i] = nextL;









